novelist - mentor - freelance editor

Words into Pictures

Words into Pictures

A Visual Workshop for Writers

Where: Carlsbad Art Farm

When: Saturday November 10th

 Time: 10 am – 5 pm

 Special Pricing for this Workshop: $150 

 Our workshop will start with a delightful walk around Art Farm’s oak riparian habitat and down to the creek. The morning session will begin in the Imaginarium Studio with a two-hour writing session starting with a creative prompt. There will be time to write and maybe even revise the draft.  We will then break for a lunch al fresco.

 In the afternoon you will decide on a visual idea inspired by the morning writing session.  Perrin and her Art Farm instructors, Studio Artist Catherine "Bob" Bobkoskiand Master Printmaker Hannah Murdoch, will introduce you to the process of making a monoprint (a “painterly” form of printmaking that yields a single unique impression). The Art Farm staff will guide you in the process of:

o  Crafting a visual image that will complement/illustrate your written prompt

o  manipulating inks on a monoprint plate to create an image using basic visual language

o  transferring your image onto paper using a wheeled manual printing press (this part is pure magic!).

 We will close the day with wine and cheese and a round-table discussion as to how creative writing and visual art complement each other. We will be excited to explore how the experience of combining two expressive mediums in one workshop has animated your imagination.

All art supplies will be provided along with coffee and tea in the morning and wine and cheese to close the day.  

 Please bring your laptop and a pen and paper and a bag lunch that does not need to be refrigerated. Also, dress comfortably in clothing and shoes appropriate to a farm and woodland environment and for a visual art process that uses inks that won’t wash out.

 All payments will be processed through PayPal.  

To register please send an email to