In this one day workshop we’ll explore that alchemical process of taking the ‘stuff’ of one’s life and weaving it into fiction We all have truths we’ve discovered, some of them deeply personal and private, and the art of fashioning them into stories offers skittish writers a veil, a way of telling the truth and telling it slant.
How far does one go with the art of 'making it up?' Using creative prompts you’ll play with gender, with age, with setting – all the while exploring the emotional dynamic that’s at the heart of the story you long to tell. This workshop is open to writers of all levels of experience.
Here’s a quote from Virginia Woolf to whet your appetite for a foray into fiction
"Fiction is like a spider’s web, attached ever so lightly perhaps, but still attached to life at all four corners."
Date :Saturday March 23 10 am- 4pm
Venue: Union Cowork, 111 C Street, Encinitas
Cost: $99
Lunch and all refreshments included!
For more information or to register for this one day course please email me at or use the form below